Sunday, November 21, 2010

Voice from Monkey Island

During last week I was having a beer with one colleague of mine, Matteo, and, as usual beetween tech guys we started talking about games. Well, discussions with Matteo are two, games or girls, so it happens frequently (less frequently than speaking about girls) to end up speaking about (old) videogames.

Nothing special, we were chatting about the firsts episodes of Monkey Island series, and I made an observation. Who knows how the series have been developed if Ron Gilbert would have followed it instead of leaving Lucas Arts.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Portable USB games

The dream of ubiquitous computing is always nearer. Every year new systems and software tecniques bring us toward the cloud (not literally guys...). I've been reading of open source project to bring DOS operating system running from the internet, to make us play games directly from browser (pc or phone, doesn't matter).

Well, it's something that could be possible, but, there is not the economic justification for putting up a serious business. However, I would like to talk you about something that while waiting this cloud computing product, can fill the gap: it's Retroplay USB.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Clyde Radcliffe Exterminates All The Unfriendly Repulsive Earth-ridden Slime

You know guys, here at Squakenet we try to find the best abandonware resource of the net. We generally look for PC Games, but we are old gamers and Amiga, Commodore 64 and 80's videogames platform are something we loved as well as pc games. To make a long story short, I was looking youtube home page, when I see the following:

Monday, November 1, 2010

Strategy changed

Time for the second post in this new place opened just a week ago. Let's start with a concrete topic, I would like to share with you my thoughts about Civilization series. We all know that repeat theirself it's a hard mission, and generally any series finish to ruin the reputation of the ancestor. However, I would like to focus on the changes that Civilization had along the years, taking in consideration it's going to be released the fifth chapter, Civilization V.