There are 8 levels, quite difficult to reach the end. Guess what? I did! on my C64 something like 20 years ago (now you can understand why I was speaking about being nostalgic). I manage to find a longplay so you can enjoy again the game, living again the adrenaline you need to get to kill all enemies (dare to count the number!).
Sure, graphics was not exceptional, neither there is a 3D action environment where to move, but, damn, it was amazing! Unfortunately there have not been any port of this game for PC (just Commando that is very very similar), so, we cannot propose you to play again (though you can do with commodore emulators!).
In memory of this nostalgy we decided to make a giveaway contest. We still have a free copy of The Witcher (gently offered by GOG) that we will give away for the person that will write a complete review of one of the war games below:
- Commando (1987)
- Platoon (1987)
- History Line 1914-1918 (1992)
- V for Victory (1993)
- Command and Conquer (1994)
- Steel Panthers (1995)
- NAM (1998)
- Soldiers at War (1998)
- Call of Duty (2003)
- Axis and Allies (2004)
I had this! Just the right difficulty, I managed to complete it an felt proud of that fact.